
Moral Challenges in a Pandemic Age (Routledge)


 Book description:

The COVID-19 pandemic, whose consequences will be felt in the long term,  can be interpreted as a signal that we have been living in a pandemic age. A pandemic is humanity's common ground, so the moral problems inherent in it are of interest to everyone from now on. It brought a set of moral challenges that cannot be ignored.  

This book – which emerged amid the novel coronavirus crisis – is designed to fill the gap in the current literature on the topic, offering an original approach to its moral implications. It can be taken as a guide in the face of these pandemic-age challenges for human relations. 

All the chapters of this book  aim to clarify its central aspects, while each chapter provides an original approach to the debate’s leading issues and relies on each most significant collaborator’s expertise. 

Table of Contents

Foreword - Maxwell J. Smith

The pandemic age: An overview Evandro Barbosa

Section 1: Rationality and moral emotions

Section 2: Virtues and traits of character

Section 3: Social arrangements and moral conflicts 

Section 4: After COVID-19 life: Some moral issues


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        Ou contate o editor para maiories informações: << ebarbosa@ufpel.edu.br >>

Link: https://www.routledge.com/Moral-Challenges-in-a-Pandemic-Age/Barbosa/p/book/9781032315201#